united Crown Industry is a comprehensve group comparythat foauses on the composite,molding,and manufacturingof metal suface clean materals.It is one of the fewmanufacturers in the Peart River Delta that has completelyintegrated steel structure enclosure systems,cdean roomsrutural ystems,and erwironmentaly friendy egenerationsystems.I is a long-term supporting supplier for maryFortune 500 enterpises in the Guangdong Hong kong MacaoGreater Bay Area.We proulde customers with "one-stop°metal surface materal supply senices,and the company iscommilted to becomihng the best partrerin the feld of energyconservation and cost reducion for austomers,conuibuing tothe constuction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao GreaterBay Area.